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Title Current Conveyor-based Neuron Circuit for Neuromorphic System Implementation
Authors 위대훈(Daehoon Wee) ; 권희태(Hui Tae Kown) ; 최현석(Hyun-Seok Choi) ; 김보람(Boram Kim) ; 김윤(Yoon Kim)
Page pp.53-57
ISSN 2287-5026
Keywords neuromorphic system ; neuron circuit ; current conveyor ; spiking neural network
Abstract In this paper, we proposed the current conveyor-based integrate and fire (I&F) neuron circuit. Since the current conveyor has a stable input-node voltage holding capability and excellent current carrying capability, the proposed neuron circuit transmits the input current stably from the synapse array to the membrane capacitor. We demonstrated the advantage of the proposed neuron circuit over the conventional I&F neuron circuit through a circuit simulation (Cadence Spectre simulation). The proposed neuron circuit could be a promising solution for very-large-scale neuromorphic system to implement spiking neural networks.