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Title Analysis of User Performance and Fatigue Depending on Refresh Rates and Display Movement in FPS Game Environment
Authors 이용진(Yongjin Lee) ; 김정룡(Jungyong Kim)
Page pp.131-138
ISSN 2287-5026
Keywords Refresh rate ; Display movement ; Human performance ; Eye fatigue ; 3D contents
Abstract The purpose of this study is to compare and analyze the human performance, eye fatigue, subjective performance and subjective fatigue depending on the refresh rate and display movement. Experimental results showed that the human performance increased at high refresh rate but does not affect the parameters of eye fatigue. Subjective questionnaire results were consistent with performance data but eye fatigue questionnaire results showed statistically significant fatigue reduction as the refresh rate increased. Especially, when the horizontal display movements are relatively greater, the difference was appeared. In order to improve human performance in various 3D display environments, the influence of refresh rate and display movement needs to be considered for the performance and eye fatigue reduction.