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Title Improvement of Electronic Beam Stabilization Algorithm for Surveillance Radar
Authors 이영주(Young Ju Lee)
Page pp.69-74
ISSN 2287-5026
Keywords Surveillance Radar System ; Electronic Beam Stabilization
Abstract This paper addresses about the improvement of the electronic beam stabilization algorithm for surveillance radar. There was a problem in the operation of the radar during the harbor assessment test. It is conducted limit point analysis and improvement verification through analysis of existing electronic beam stabilization algorithm in order to improve this problem. One problem is that the existing electronic beam stabilization algorithm compensated only for high-angle motion. However, the perfomance of searching radar has become stable by eliminating the zig-zag phenomenon by compensating the azimuth direction motion through improvement of algorithm. The paper is aimed at improving reliability and securing performance through software upgrades of the radar which designed to detect target in various sea-sate.