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Title RSP Consensus Algorithm for Blockchain
Authors 김동학(Dong-hak Kim) ; 김병서(Byung-seo Kim)
Page pp.39-44
ISSN 2287-5026
Keywords Distributed systems; Consensus algorithms; Blockchain; Cryptocurrency; Mining; Bitcoin
Abstract onsensus algorithms in Blockchain plays a major role and are crucial for maintaining the integrity and security of a distributed network. In addition, there are various problems arising from the consensus algorithms adopted in the existing Blockchain network. Therefore, it is of upmost importance to develop a consensus algorithm to address these problems. In this paper, therefore, we propose an efficient consensus algorithm for Blockchain networks environment consisting of several distributed users. First, we study the process of consensus among users to add new blocks to the existing Blockchain. Second, we introduce the other conventional consensus algorithms, analyze the problems of each algorithm, and propose Rock-Scissors-Paper (RSP) algorithm to mitigate these problems. The RSP algorithm is an algorithm that achieves consensus among distributed users using three values, Rock (R), Scissors (S), and Paper (P) to avoid attacks by malicious participants. Furthermore, the propose RSP algorithm is compared with the existing consensus algorithms to predict the performance and its effects in a distributed mobile network environment.