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Title Robust Focused Adaptive Beamforming for Passive Sonar in Doppler Environments
Authors 강태수(Tae-Su Kang) ; 김동관(DongGwan Kim) ; 최창호(Chang-Ho Choi)
Page pp.74-80
ISSN 2287-5026
Keywords STCM ; DCRCB ;
Abstract Narrowband focused beamforming for passive SONAR is used to estimate the location of the frequency identified as a target. When the doppler effect of a sound source occurs, the estimation performance of narrowband focused beamforming in the high frequency resolution passive SONAR system could be gravelly deteriorated because the identified frequency become different to the the beamforiming frequency. In this paper to overcome such a problem we suggest the robust focused beamforming against the doppler effect, which exploits the STCM(STeered Covariance Matrix) for the frequency band covering doppler shift range with a center frequency of one among sound source’s frequencies. And the proposed method adopts the DCRCB method to calculate a adaptive weight vector so that it is robust against steering vector errors caused by using a large aperture array. Simulation shows that the proposed method is more robust against the doppler effect and steering vector errors than existing ones.