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Title Analysis on The Aperture Size and Transmission of Electromagnetic Wave for Reinforced Concrete Wall Shielding Effectiveness Measurement System
Authors 김보현(Bo-Hyun Kim) ; 오재현(Jae-Hyun Oh) ; 이상훈(Sang-Hoon Lee) ; 박인욱(In-Wook Park) ; 오세준(Se-Jun Oh)
Page pp.92-98
ISSN 2287-5026
Keywords Reinforced concrete ; Shielding effectiveness ; Measurement system ; Aperture ;
Abstract In this paper, we analyzed the electromagnetic wave transmission according to the aperture size for the electromagnetic wave shielding effectiveness measurement system of reinforced concrete walls. Recently, electromagnetic shielding technology under the condition of reinforced concrete wall has been investigated and the shielding effectiveness test on the unit cell size has been proceeded. However, this unit cell test has a few disadvantages such as small measurement range. In order to overcome it, the shielding effectiveness measurement system for a large size sample, 2.0 m × 2.0 m, was utilized. Test results were compared with numerical ones