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Title Study on Concrete Block Shielding Effectiveness Improvement Method through Resonance Reduction and Comparison with Standard Method
Authors 장홍제(Hong-Je Jang) ; 최효식(Hyo-sik Choi) ; 송태승(Tae-Seung Song)
Page pp.9-14
ISSN 2287-5026
Keywords RF ; Concrete ; Shielding effectiveness ; Test method ;
Abstract In this paper, proper structure of the shield room for measuring the shield effectiveness with concrete blocks was studied by comparing the characteristics of shield room designed to measure the electromagnetic shield effectiveness of concrete. Recently, a method for measuring the shield effectiveness of concrete has been developed, which refers to the measurement method of MIL-STD-188-125. Thus scenarios and methods for verifying the effectiveness and accuracy of the shield effectiveness of the concrete block are discussed. Accordingly, the results of ASTM D 4935, a method of measuring shield effectiveness, and the method of measuring shield effectiveness of concrete blocks were compared. Therefore, this study is to verify the test condition and effectiveness of the method of measuring the shield effectiveness of concrete blocks from 600MHz to 2GHz.