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Title Coronary Artery Stenosis Detection Algorithm in X-ray Angiogram
Authors 이지영(Jiyoung Lee) ; 박무열(Muyul Park) ; 이채원(Chaewon Lee) ; 한중훈(Junghun Han) ; 안홍기(Honggi An) ; 양세정(Sejung Yang)
Page pp.127-133
ISSN 2287-5026
Keywords 관상동맥 조영 영상; 협착증; Frangi 필터; 혈관 추출; Bilateral 필터
Abstract Coronary angiography is the most commonly used diagnosis method to detect the presence of stenosis. It is important to measure the width of the stenosis area and diagnose the degree of stenosis. In this study, we developed algorithms to detect whether stenosis occurs and its position in angiographic images. First, a specific frame is selected using Frangi filter in the angiographic frames. Bilateral filter is applied on the selected frame to reduce noise from the image. Next we use Frangi's filter to extract blood vessels from the denoised image. The extracted vessels are binarized and the vessel widths are calculated to automatically detect areas where the vessel width has been narrowed by more than 50%. The proposed algorithm is able to detect stenosis area automatically. This study is expected to provide a good measure for operators in determining whether the patient has heart stenosis through coronary angiographic images.