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Title A Study on Maximum Beam Pointing Error according to Resolution of Phase Shifter for Phased Array Antenna
Authors 정진우(Jinwoo Jung) ; 김영담(Youngdam Kim) ; 서종우(Jongwoo Seo)
Page pp.42-49
ISSN 2287-5026
Keywords Phased Array Antenna ; Digital Phase Shifter ; Quantization ; Quantized Error ; Beam Pointing Error ;
Abstract In a phased array antenna, the beam steering angle error is occurred by a quantization of a phase shifter. For analysis of the beam steering angle error, the simplified equations were induced and presented in the case of linear and plane phased array antenna. The presented equations were verified by comparing it with simulation based on array factor with quantized phase shifting values. Using the verified equations, we presented the indices related to beam steering angle error, resolution of phase shifter and configuration of array for design of phased array antenna.