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Title A Design of Future Simulator Based on Multi Valued Network
Authors 심정연(JeongYon Shim)
Page pp.29-36
ISSN 2287-5026
Keywords Future simulation ; Knowledge network extraction ; Reasoning thread generation ; Optimal reasoning thread selection ;
Abstract In this work, adopting human brain function we designed Multi Valued Network based Future Simulator ( FSMVN : Future Simulator based on Multi Valued Network) which can select the optimal reasoning path from the stored memory. This is a system which models human conscious functionarity to make an optimal decision by future simulation based on the past experience and memory. Knowledge base is structured as Multi Valued Networks to have multiple links of time, cost,distance and preference. In experiments, we applied the proposed system to the searching problem finding the optimal path in the map and tested the functions of extracting the related Knowledge Network, reasoning Thread generation and optimal reasoning Thread selection by future simulation. In addition, we proved the system flexibility that selected reasoning thread can be changed according to the importance degree of value.