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Title Improvement of Image Sensor Performance by Optimal Threshold using Order Statistics of MAD
Authors 이철(Cheol Lee)
Page pp.107-111
ISSN 2287-5026
Keywords JPEG2000; Order statistic; Threshold; Image sensor; MAD(Median Absolute Deviation); DWT(Discrete Wavelet Transform); Wavelet coefficients
Abstract In this paper, a particular application of high-resolution and high compression of images required of JPEG2000 standard applied in the field of hardware design, production was implemented. JPEG2000 standard for image compression using the software implementation of the processing speed is very slow compared to conventional JPEG disadvantages, and also the standard of JPEG2000 DWT (Discrete wavelet transform) to improve the level of compression for image data if processing speed is a phenomenon that has degraded. In order to solve the threshold using order statistic of MAD(Median Absolute Deviation) for the wavelet coefficients was proposed to effectively image sensor improve. In this paper, the optimal DWT by changing the level for still image compression, image quality has shown improvement.