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Title Second-order Passive Intermodulation Distortion Modeling Comparision in Wireless Relay Systems
Authors 송금자(Jinzi Song) ; 최준규(Jungyu Choi) ; 김보배(Bobae Kim) ; 김지혜(Zhihui Jin) ; 임성빈(Sungbin Im)
Page pp.3-12
ISSN 2287-5026
Keywords Passive Intermodulation; Wireless Communication System; Repeater; Quadratic Volterra Filter; Time Delay Neural Network
Abstract Passive intermodulation distortion (PIMD) is a phenomenon, in which two or more transmission signal frequencies interfere with each other due to nonlinearity of passive elements in a wireless communication system and undesired signals are generated. This intermodulation distortion increases the noise level in the reception frequency band of the wireless communication system and degrades the performance of the receiver. In this paper, we investigate PIMD modeling based on a modified Quadratic Volterra filter and a time delay neural network to improve uplink reception performance by reducing the passive intermodulation distortion level. The modeling performance is evaluated by applying the model to the data sampled from the relay of the LTE system according to the memory length and time mismatch in terms of normalized mean squared error.