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Title 2D Spatial Map based on Lidar and Stereo Camera for Autonomous Driving
Authors 고정환(Jung-Hwan Ko)
Page pp.69-74
ISSN 2287-5026
Keywords Sensor fusion; Spatial map; Stereo camera; Depth map; Lidar
Abstract In this paper, the method for improvement of the performance for object detection by fusing the point cloud of 2D lidar with depth maps detected from stereo cameras is proposed. The spatial fusion transforms the LiDAR coordinates into the camera coordinates and then, the depth map are detected in the inputting images of a stereo camera. A driving robot move automatically by effective and intelligent path-planning using the obtained 2D path coordinates. From some experiments on robot driving with the stereo images in real time, It is analyzed that an adaptive recognition of objects in the forward field of view through stereo cameras and Lidar and an efficient data fusion results with low error rates through distance detection are founded.