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Title Implementation of MQTT-Based Polar Biologger Data Remote Recovery System using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Polar Environments
Authors 이정국(Jeong-Guck Lee) ; 염선호(Sun-Ho Yum) ; 이진영(Jinyoung Lee) ; 황아리(A-Ri Hwang) ; 채지윤(Jiyun Chae) ; 임지영(Jiyoung Lim) ; 임용곤(Yong-Kon Lim) ; 최유성(Yousung Choi) ; 박수현(Soo-Hyun Park)
Page pp.47-59
ISSN 2287-5026
Keywords Fault-Tolerant network (FTN); Internet of extreme things (IoET); Polar; Bio-logging; Remote data acquisition
Abstract As average temperatures for North and South Poles are below 40 degrees Celsius, those regions are classified as extremely cold zones, where human activities are limited by temperature. Thus, when field activities are restricted but neutral observation over local wildlife which does not affect the ecosystem is required, remote data recovery is a key technology. As a method to increase data recovery efficiency, this paper proposes and implements a data transmission system using MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry transport) technology and UAVs (Unmarried Aerial Vehicles) for collecting biological data from remote areas.