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Title Direction Estimation for a Mixture of Circular and Noncircular Signals using the Centro-Hermitian Property
Authors 최양호(Yang-Ho Choi)
Page pp.67-76
ISSN 2287-5026
Keywords Direction estimation; Noncircular signals; Centro-Hermitian; MUSIC
Abstract In case the signals impinging on a sensor array are noncircular, the performance of direction estimation can be improved with the exploitation of the noncircularity. The performance improvement can be achieved using an extended received vector that consists of an concatenation of the array received vector and its complex conjugate version. The extended vector has the centro-Hermitian property. In a general situation of presence of both circular and noncircular signals, this paper presents an efficient direction estimation method by exploiting the property. The direction estimation according to the MUSIC(multiple signal classification) principle requires the eigenvectors of the sample matrix, which are effectively found with less complexity from a real matrix obtained by transforming the complex sample matrix, rather than directly from it. The proposed method can be applied to both DBM(determinant based method) and EBM(eigenvalue based method) for direction estimation. Its validity is confirmed via simulations.