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Title AMOLED Pixel Circuit Compensating Luminance Change by Area Stretching and Voltage Drop
Authors 이혁수(Hyuck Su Lee) ; 강서진(Seo Jin Kang) ; 우재근(Jae Geun Woo) ; 유은성(Eun Seong Yu) ; 정찬민(Chan Min Jeong) ; 김민성(Min Seong Kim) ; 이종모(Jong Mo Lee) ; 배병성(Byung Seong Bae)
Page pp.23-31
ISSN 2287-5026
Keywords AMOLED; Stretchable display; IGZO; I-R drop; Pixel circuit
Abstract Stretchable display is the futrue display technology for free-form display. The organic light emitting diode (OLED) display which does not use back-light unit and amorphous IGZO (a-IGZO) which can be processed at lower temperature than the poly silicon are useful for stretchable display. When stretching the display, area average display brightness decreases and the increasing length of the power bus line as the pixel is far from the input pad results in the increase of the voltage drop along the power bus line. The voltage drop causes the brightness decrease. In this study, a pixel circuit which can compensate the brightness changes by both the voltage drop and area stretching is proposed. The drive transistor current of the proposed pixel circuit increased by 1.87% to 3.74% as increasing the area by 10 % to 20%. In a voltage drop of 2.3 V, the current of the conventional pixel circuit decreased by 25.34%, while the current of the proposed pixel circuit decreased by 9.31%.