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Title Method of Outlining a Camera Surveillance Area on a Map in the Defense Boundary System
Authors 김태우(Taewoo Kim) ; 김형헌(Hyungheon Kim) ; 차영균(Youngkyun Cha)
Page pp.98-103
ISSN 2287-5026
Keywords CCTV; Control area; Pixel map mapping
Abstract This paper deals with the methodology for displaying the monitored area of a camera on a map in an intelligent defense boundary system. In defense boundary mission, where it is critical to respond quickly to enemy invasion, it is important to know immediately where the enemy has appeared. On the other hand, it is difficult task to accurately determine the monitored area due to the various geometric environments surrounding the camera. In this research, the existing technique of matching pixel coordinates on the image and coordinates on the map is used, in which geometric features of the monitored area is utilized. As a result, the computations are greatly reduced and exceptions in the existing technique(e.g. sky point) are stably resolved. The validity is verified by comparing the performance with the existing technique in the testbed with real camera installation.