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Title Split Bank-shuffled Address Mapping for Image Processing Applications
Authors 허재영(Jae Young Hur) ; 공준호(Joonho Kong)
Page pp.23-31
ISSN 2287-5026
Keywords Address mapping; DRAM; Row-buffer conflict; Embedded system; Image processing
Abstract In image processing applications, the conventional linear address mapping can degrade memory utilization and performance due to row-buffer conflicts in DRAM. In this paper, we propose a bank-shuffling technique to alleviate the row-buffer conflicts. Moreover, an address map can be split to efficiently utilize the bank shuffling. In the proposed design, the system can adaptively rearrange the split address map to fully exploit the bank interleaving in DRAM when an application is invoked. Taking the multiple outstanding capability into account, we analyze the effectiveness of the proposed design in terms of performance and hardware cost. The experimental results indicate that the presented design can improve the performance across various image processing workloads with a moderate hardware cost.