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Title A Study on the Characteristics of Abdominal Coldness in Thermal Imaging
Authors 최우수(Woosu Choi) ; 김근호(Keun Ho Kim)
Page pp.78-83
ISSN 2287-5026
Keywords Abdominal coldness; Thermal image; Oriental medicine
Abstract In this study, the characteristics between the abdominal coldness group and the control group were analyzed in the thermal image of the abdominal region. The abdominal thermal image for each subject was equally divided into 4 sections based on the minimum and maximum temperature values in the abdominal area and the ratio of each section to the entire abdominal area and the average temperature for each section were calculated. It was confirmed that there was a significant difference between the abdominal coldness group and the control group in the ratio of the area included in the lower abdominal temperature limit of 25% compared to the total area.