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Title Development of CD Band Amplitude Comparison Direction Finding Accuracy Measuring System for Radar Warning Receiver
Authors 현예지(Yeji Hyun) ; 최남우(Namwoo Choi) ; 최혁재(Hyeokjae Choi) ; 조원택(Wontaek Cho) ; 김성훈(Sunghoon Kim)
Page pp.16-23
ISSN 2287-5026
Keywords Electronic warfare; Radar warning receiver; Direction finding; CD band
Abstract Radar Warning Receiver(RWR) is Electronic Warfare Support equipment, which detects and measures threat radar signal in high speed then provides real time warning. This paper describes the development of an amplitude comparison direction finding accuracy measuring system for CD band RWR, which is intended to be loaded on aircraft for the first time in Korea. The developed RWR equipment receives CD band signal from Blade Antenna, executes signal processing in RF and Digital module, and derives angle of arrival(AOA) using the amplitude comparison direction finding logic. Since CD band blade antenna has an unbalanced beam pattern, unlike EJ band or spiral antenna, this paper measures direction finding accuracy by adding a beam calibration algorithm. As a result of conducting a radiation test on the CD band in the anechoic chamber to verify the direction finding accuracy, the performance is confirmed that the average CD band direction finding accuracy is measured by 6.73% higher than the target performance of OO degree RMS in 360 degree azimuth and 45 degree elevation range.