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Title Design, Control and Experiment of Two-wheel Transform Robot
Authors 이범진(Beomjin Lee) ; 정슬(Seul Jung)
Page pp.58-65
ISSN 2287-5026
Keywords Two-wheeled robot; Body transformation; Balancing control; Segway mode; Bicycle mode
Abstract This paper introduces the conceptual design, and implementation of two-wheeled transformer(TWT) with two modes. TWT can be transformed into two robots, a two-wheeled mobile robot(TWMR) similar to Segway and a two wheel bicycle robot (TWBR) similar to a bicycle that requires balancing control either pitch or roll angles. Kinematics and dynamics of each mode robot were derived by defining Denavit-Hartenberg parameters and simulation studies of controlling the movements were conducted. Both modes require balancing control. For TWBR mode, two-ducted fans are used to control the lateral angle and two wheels were used to control the balance for Segway mode. Experimental studies of tracking control performance of moving forward and backward while balancing were performed when a mode changes.