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Title Virtual Array-based Wideband DOA Estimation
Authors 신의호(Euiho Shin) ; 정용식(Young-seek Chung) ; 김선교(Seonkyo Kim) ; 박철순(Cheolsun Park) ; 오정석(Jungsuek Oh)
Page pp.3-5
ISSN 2287-5026
Keywords Extrapolation; Wideband DOA estimation; Virtual array
Abstract This study proposes a method to improve the resolution of low frequency bands by extending the DFT extrapolation-based virtual array when estimating DOA with braodband arrays. Unlike higher frequency band, the beam width of the spectral pattern increases in lower band, thereby we extend the virtual array to reduce the effect to improve the resolution. The simulation showed that the minimum frequency for DOA estimation has decreased by extending 12 virtual array each side of 12 array antennas, resulting in 36 arrays.