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Title A Proposal of KC-CAR Algorithm for Sensor Transmission Processing in Autonomous Driving
Authors 조도현(Do-Hyeoun Cho)
Page pp.113-118
ISSN 2287-5026
Keywords Automotive; Autonomous driving; Sensors; Transmission; Routing protocols
Abstract Sensor-collected data transmission processing technology is an essential technology for providing various intelligent vehicle driving services, such as autonomous driving or collision risk notification within the vehicle's remote control, and autonomous driving. In this paper, we present a routing protocol transmission processing algorithm for real-time data collected from sensors attached to automobiles for stable and fast processing speed. The proposed algorithm configures the car as a cluster head, the sensors attached inside the car as member node I, and the devices outside the vehicle as member node II. It was intended to increase the efficiency of transmission energy between sensors. It was shown that the transmission energy efficiency increased by about 19%.