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Title Sampling-based Analysis of Labeling Errors in AI-Hub Traffic-Light Datasets
Authors 김순재(Soon-Jae Kim) ; 손우혁(Woo-Hyeok Son) ; 이지혜(Ji-Hye Lee) ; 응웬 호아 흥(Hoa-Hung Nguyen) ; 정한유(Han-You Jeong)
Page pp.109-112
ISSN 2287-5026
Keywords AI-Hub; Sampling-based analysis; Dataset refinement; Object detection; mAP
Abstract This paper presents a labeling-error classification through the precise sampling-based analysis of the AI-Hub traffic light datasets, and suggests the direction of dataset refinement by distinguishing the crowdsourcing worker’s labeling errors from those by the verification system. We also experimentally validate the impacts of labeling errors in the dataset on the mAP of two representative object detection networks: SSD-512 and Scaled-YOLOv4-P6.