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Title A Static Contention-free Topologically Compressed Flip-flop for Low Power and Low Voltage Operation
Authors 강경훈(Kyounghun Kang) ; 정완영(Wanyeong Jung)
Page pp.111-115
ISSN 2287-5026
Keywords Flip-flop; Near-threshold voltage; Contention; Low power; Toplogically compression method
Abstract The conventional topologically-compressed flip-flop (TCFF) achieves high energy efficiency by reducing the data activity ratio of internal nodes and minimizing transistor counts. However, it suffers from a race condition that it can lead to functional failure when operating at near-threshold voltage (NTV) levels. By resolving this issue, the presented flip-flop (SCTCFF) can operate down to 0.3V without power loss. In a test circuit of FFs utilizing 65nm CMOS process shows that SCTCFF saves 44.4% / 39.0% power compared to TGFF with 10% / 20% activity at 1V.