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Title Efficient Scrambler Estimation Algorithm in DSSS Systems
Authors 김동영(Dongyeong Kim) ; 이현휘(HyeonHwi Lee) ; 최재원(Jaewon Choi) ; 윤동원(Dongweon Yoon)
Page pp.3-10
ISSN 2287-5026
Keywords DSSS; Blind estimation; Scrambler; Non-cooperative contexts
Abstract This paper proposes an algorithm for estimating the generating polynomial of a scrambler with lower computational complexity. This algorithm shows similar or better estimation performance compared to conventional algorithms in direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) systems. Unlike conventional algorithms that shift-and-add the given signal twice, this algorithm divides the signal without shift-and-add between signals, generates subsequences to suppress error propagation, and applies the Berlekamp-Massey algorithm to the subsequences to obtain candidate generating polynomials. Subsequently, the algorithm validates the candidate generating polynomials to determine the correct one. To validate the proposed algorithm, it is compared mathematically with conventional scrambler estimation algorithms, demonstrating that it requires fewer calculations. Furthermore, through computer simulation, it is demonstrated that the proposed algorithm can efficiently estimate the generating polynomial of the scrambler with low computational complexity even at high bit error rates.