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Title Applying Group Signature to Hashgraph for Privacy Preservation
Authors 편집부(Editor)
Page pp.59-66
ISSN 2287-5026
Keywords Blockchain; Group signature; Hashgraph
Abstract Nowadays, hashgraph is receiving considerable attention as a fourth-generation blockchain from application developers and researchers for its security and scalability. Hashgraph protects the data stored by using security and decentralization techniques. However, because the current hashgraph employ conventional digital signatures to guarantee the integrity of the data, a privacy problem can occur. To overcome this, in this paper, we propose a methodology of applying a group signature scheme instead of the traditional signature. When data are transferred to the hashgraph, they are signed with the group signature scheme and verified with a group public key instead of the signer’s public key. The verifier cannot know who uploaded the data, thus data integrity and user privacy protection can be achieved simultaneously.