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Title DCM Mode APT Buck Converter to Improve WiFi PA Power Efficiency
Authors 배재흥(Jaeheung Bae) ; 윤성준(Seongjun Youn) ; 명주연(Juyeon Myung) ; 김민주(Minju Kim) ; 김정훈(Jeounghun Kim) ; 백지선(Ji-Seon Paek)
Page pp.32-36
ISSN 2287-5026
Keywords Buck converter; RF PA efficiency; APT; DCM; ZCD
Abstract In this paper, we design a DCM mode APT Buck Converter that provides power to CMOS RF PA for WiFi. The designed APT Buck Converter operates in DCM mode. At light load, DCM operation rather than forced-CCM operation lowers the switching frequency and reduces switching loss. The Buck Converter operating in DCM improved power conversion efficiency by 17%p at Vout of 300mV compared to the Buck Converter operating in forced CCM. The efficiency of CMOS RF PA with DCM mode APT Buck Converter improved by up to 6.1%p at 1.5V compared to 2.5V. The designed APT Buck Converter was designed using the 130nm BCD process.