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Title An Automated Drainage Vision-based Monitoring System-ADVMS: Key Component in Developing Smart Cities in India
Authors (Vikram Gawali);(Milind Pande);(Munir Sayyad);(Raghunath Bhadade)
Page pp.215-224
ISSN 2287-5255
Keywords Vision-based monitoring; Sensor-based system; Closed drainage systems; Blockages; Smart cities; Underground drainage system
Abstract This paper proposes a comprehensive method for developing an automated drainage monitoring system using sensor networks, an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV), and a network control center (NCC). The system collects sensor data, communicates with the NCC, and employs the AUV to identify and remove obstructions while monitoring its operation. The system performance evaluation, 3D drainage system modeling, and algorithm functionality revealed the effectiveness of the proposed methodology. These findings highlight the improved maintenance, sanitation, and reduced waterborne disease risks in urban areas. The Indian government's focus on developing "smart cities" and the challenges of poor subterranean drainage surveillance leading to water contamination and diseases has emphasized the importance of drainage systems. These findings highlight the efficacy and feasibility of the system for improving maintenance, sanitation, and reducing waterborne disease risks in urban and metropolitan areas.