Title A Study on the Block Plan Characteristics and the Openness of the Apartment Complexes - In Daegu Posterior to 2000 -
Authors Kim Jong-Do ; Kim Sung-Hwa ; Choi Moo-Hyuck
Page pp.99-107
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Block Plan ; Core Type ; Combination of Residential Units ; Open Type of Unit ; Open Type of Core
Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze the block plan characteristics and the openness of residential units and core area in the apartment complexes and propose the direction of improvement. In Daegu, flat-type block was common, but as the increase of construction of high-rise apartment, transformed flat-type block considering the prospect and vista is getting more outstanding. The type of block of 45 apartment complexes which get business approval and permission of construction from the year of 2002 to the year of 2007 in Daegu city were classified according to the core types and the number of combination of residential units. And then the opening type of residential units and core area were analyzed. The high ratio of transformed-type block is due to the efforts to complement some weakness of each type of flat and tower. Flat-type blocks have some weakness such as a big visual blockage and monotonous outside space. In case of tower-type blocks have good advantage in terms of high density placement but not in prospect. Classifying the block type in residential apartment and mixed use residential apartment, the ratio of block types of residential apartment showed 53.9% in flat-type and 30.3% in transformed flat-type. And mixed use residential apartment showed 55.4% in transformed tower-type block. In the open types of residential units, the ratio of both-side open type block was ranked top with 73.6% and perpendicular open type block was 21.2%. Also open types of residential units appeared differently according to the figure for combination of residential units. Regarding the sun lighting and ventilation of core, it may be ideal that staircase and common corridors are exposed to open-air. However, if only one of the two should be inevitably chosen, common corridors would be more useful rather than staircase in terms of energy saving.