Title A Study of Setting and Strength Development Properties on Concrete Mixed by Chemical and Mineral Admixtures
Authors Han Cheon-Goo ; Kim Jong
Page pp.155-162
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Mineral and Chemical Admixture ; Setting Time ; Strength Development
Abstract This paper investigated the properties at setting and compressive strength of concrete with the combination of mineral and chemical admixture. According to test results, the setting time could be controled about 3 and 6 hours if the mineral and chemical admixture was used. And it could be possible to control till 10 hours when the mineral and chemical admixture were combined. For the Compressive strength, it showed remarkable decline the concrete including FA or BS at the early age, but it was increased at the long term age. The concrete with high early strength development type AE water reducing agent was effective for strength development at the early age. The effect of retarding type AE water reducing agent was slight at the early age, but it was effective for strength development at the long term age. From the result of the paper, it is found that the combination of mineral admixture and setting accelerating or retarding agent can reduce the hydration heat cracks by setting time difference and hydration heat reduction effects.