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Authors 최연왕 ; 김용직 ; 문한영
Page pp.923-930
ISSN 1229-5515
Keywords 고강도경량 자기충전콘크리트 ; 골재 채움률 ; 기건 단위용적질량 ; 다중회귀분석 HLSCC ; packing factor(PF) ; density ; multiple regression analysis
Abstract This paper was to evaluate the high strength lightweight self-compacting concrete(HLSCC) manufactured by Nan-Su, which main factor, Packing Factor(PF) for mixing design, has been modified and improved. We have examined HLSCC performance at its fresh condition as well as its mechanical properties at the hardened condition. The evaluation of HLSCC fluidity has been conducted per the standard of second class rating of JSCE, by three categories of flowability(slump-flow), segregation resistance ability(time required to reach 500mm of slump-flow and time required to flow through V-funnel) and filling ability(U-box test) of fresh concrete. The compressive strength of HLSSC at 28 days has come out to more than 30MPa in all mixes. The relationship between the compressive strength-splitting tensile strength and compressive strength-modulus of elasticity of HLSSC were similar those of typical lightweight concrete. Compressive strength and dry density of HLSCC at 28 days from the multiple regression analysis resulted as fc=-0.16LC-0.008LS+50.05(R=0.83) and fd=-3.598LC-2.244LS+2.310(R=0.99), respectively.