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Title Applicability of Partial Post-Tension Method for Deflection Control of Reinforced Concrete Slabs
Authors 이득행 ; 김강수 ; 김상식 ; 김용남 ; 임주혁
Page pp.347-358
ISSN 1229-5515
Keywords 부분 프리스트레스트 공법 ; 포스트텐션 ; 상향긴장 정착구 ; 처짐제어 ; 인장응력 partial prestressed method ; post-tension ; top anchorage system ; deflection control ; tensile stress
Abstract Recently, it is getting into a good situation for the flat-plate slab system to be applied. The flat-plate slab without beam, however, is often too weak to control deflection properly compared to other typical slab-beam structures, for which the posttension method is generally regarded as one of best solutions. The post-tension (PT) method can effectively control deflection without increase of slab thickness. Despite this good advantage, however, the application of PT method has been very limited due to cost increase, technical problems, and lack of experiences. Therefore, in order to reduce difficulties on applying full PT method under the current domestic circumstances and to enhance constructability of PT system, this research proposed the partial PT method with top jacking anchorage applied in a part of span as need. For the top jacking anchorage system, the efficiency of deflection control shall be considered in detail because it can vary widely depending on the location of anchorage that can be placed anywhere as need, and tensile stresses induced at back of the anchorage zone also shall be examined. Therefore, in this study, analysis were performed on the efficiency of deflection control depending on the location of anchorage and on tensile stresses or forces using finite element method and strut and tie model in the proposed top jacking anchorage system. The proposed jacking system were also applied to the floor slabs at a construction site to investigate its applicability and the analysis results of slab behavior were compared to the measured values obtained from the PT slab constructed by the partial PT method. The result of this study indicates that the partial PT method can be very efficiently applied with little cost increase to control deflection and tensile stresses in the region as a need basis where problem exists.