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Title An Experimental Study on Mechanical Properties of Ultra-High Strength Powder Concrete
Authors 조병완 ; 윤광원 ; 박정훈 ; 김헌
Page pp.287-295
ISSN 1229-5515
Keywords 초고강도 분체콘크리트 ; 페로실리콘 ; 압축강도 ; 고온고압양생 ultra high strength powder concrete ; ferro-silicon ; compressive strength ; high temperature-pressure curing
Abstract In this study, ordinary Portland cement was used and the air void was minimized by using minute quartz as the filler. In addition, steel fibers were used to mitigate the brittle failure problem associated with high strength concrete. This study is in progress to make an Ultra-high strength powdered concrete (UHSPC) which has compressive strength over 300 MPa. To increase the strength of concrete, we have compared and analyzed the compressive strengths of the concretes with different mix proportions and curing conditions by selecting quartz sand, dolomite, bauxite, ferro silicon which have diameters less than 0.6 mm and can increase the bond strength of the transition zone. Ultra-high strength powdered concrete, which is different from conventional concrete, is highly influenced by the materials in the mix. In the study, the highest compressive strength of the powdered concrete was obtained when it is prepared with ferro silicon, followed in order by Bauxite, Dolomite, and Quartz sand. The amount of ferro silicon, when the highest strength was obtained, was 110%, of the weight of the cement. SEM analysis of the UHSPC showed that significant formation of C-S-H and Tobermorite due to high temperature and pressure curing. Production of Ultrahigh strength powdered concrete which has 28-day compressive strength upto 341MPa has been successfully achieved by the following factors; steel fiber reinforcement, fine particled aggregates, and the filling powder to minimize the void space, and the reactive materials.