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Title A Study on Properties of High Blaine Cement for Shotcrete
Authors 김재영 ; 김특준 ; 이민석 ; 유동우
Page pp.633-640
ISSN 1229-5515
Keywords 숏크리트 ; 스프레이드 콘크리트 ; 시멘트 ; 급결제 ; 고분말도 shotcrete ; sprayed concrete ; cement ; accelerators ; high blaine
Abstract This study was performed to get basic information about properties of high blaine cement for shotcrete use. Particle size distribution, setting time and compressive strength test, analysis like as SEM, DSC thermal analysis, XRD was carried out to investigate principle properties of high blaine cement. Setting time of high blaine cement was shorter and compressive strength was higher than those of ordinary portland cement (OPC). Results of analysis showed early hydration products of high blaine cement is smaller and spread widely due to increased specific surface. From the SEM observation and analysis of DSC and XRD results, it was seen that the aluminates accelerators promoted calcium aluminium hydrates while the alkali free accelerators increased ettringite and monosulfates formation. Strength and setting time measurement of cement paste with aluminate accelerator is more effective than the alkali free accelerator in reducing the setting time and increasing early strength while alkali free accelerator is more effective in increasing the strength after 7 days.