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Title Surface Properties of Color Concrete Using Acid Stained Agent
Authors 김진만 ; 정지용 ; 박효진
Page pp.265-272
ISSN 1229-5515
Keywords 컬러 콘크리트 ; 산화제 ; 얼룩 ; 산 ; 금속산화물 color concrete ; acid agent ; stain ; acid ; metallic oxide
Abstract Even though concrete is the most important material for building structures, its intrinsic gray color degrades urban esthetics. In order to improve this problem, coloring methods of mixing pigment in concrete batch and painting the surface of concrete surface have been tried. However, applications of the coloring methods in construction field are difficult due to high cost and low durability. Recently, acid stain agent is emerging as a new coloring method for concrete. It is able to apply a remarkably thin colored layer on a concrete surface from chemical reaction between acid and alkaline solutions. This study has examined the changes and variations of the surface layer of mortar specimen from chemical reaction of acid stained agents. The colors were changed into natural irregular stains according to aging. After the staining, no shape change was found from visible inspections. Microstructure of the colored surface applied with acid stained agent was much rougher than that of original mortar. When the colored layer was compared to original surface, crystals of hydrate such as Ca(OH)2 and C-S-H gel were observed. Surface hardness was same or slightly higher in the colored layer. The value of pH was reduced by approximately 10%, weight contents of elements such as Ca, Si, and Al were low. In the chemical composition of the colored layer, the non-cement based elements of Mn, Cr, and Cu increased. Also, Fe and alkali elements of K and Na increased.