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Title An Experimental Study on the Flexural Behavior of Reinforced High-Strength Concrete Beams Using Belite Cement
Authors 한상훈 ; 구봉근 ; 김기수 ; 조홍동 ; 전채만
Page pp.221-230
ISSN 1229-5515
Keywords Belite 시멘트
Abstract A study was conducted to investigate the flexural behavior of reinforced high-strength concrete beams using Belite cement. In this study, fourteen reinforced Belite and control beams were tested. The major experimental variables are compressive strength (350kgf/㎠ and 600kgf/㎠) of concrete and reinforcement ratios(0.0086∼0.0345). They were tested by three point lading method. Comparing with flexural behavior of normal reinforced concrete beams, the investigation were to : (1) determine experimentally the load-displacement relationships and the strain distribution on the section of test beams ; (2) determine experimetally the moment-curvature and the load-neutral axis relationship of Belite ; (3) investigate the flexural ductility of Belite ; (4) estimate the ratio of the capacities of nominal moment strength as a functin of ACI to as a experiment. From the test results, the flexural behavior of reinforced high-strength concrete beams using Beile cement are similar to flexural behavior of normal reinforced concerte beams.