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Title Influence of Na2SO4 on Cement-flyash Paste and the Strength Developement of Concrete
Authors 이진용 ; 배성용 ; 송종택
Page pp.85-94
ISSN 1229-5515
Keywords Na2SO4
Abstract It was investigated to evaluate the characteristics of cement-flyash paste which was affected the replacement level, curing method and chemical admixtures. The strength of cement-flyash paste was lower than that of cement paste only the differences increased with increasing the replacement level. However, in steam curing, the strength of cement-flyash pasted was improved and specially, the early strength was effectively increase. The inclusion of Na2SO4 increased the early strength of cement-flyash paste. In addition, the strength of concrete including 30% of fly ash and Na2SO4 has improved and obtained the highest strength compared to other concrete mixes.