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Title A Study on the Development of Corrosion Prediction System of Reinforcing Bars in Sea-shore Structure
Authors 박승범 ; 김도겸
Page pp.89-100
ISSN 1229-5515
Keywords chloride; diffusion; prediction; corrosion; sea-shore structure; corrosion prediction system; prediction method
Abstract Service life of concrete structures that are exposed to the environmental attack is largely influenced by the corrosion of reinforcing bare due to the chloride contamination. Chloride ions penetrate continuously into concrete from the environment, and chloride diffusion velocity is governed by a mechanical steady stage. In this study, a method is developed to predict corrosion initiation of reinforcing bars in the sea-shore structures, based on governing equations that take into account the diffusing of chloride ions and a mechanical steady state. As a result of this study, Corrosion Prediction System (CPS) is developed, and it can be used to determine an optimal time for repair and rehabilitation actions need to be taken. Futhermore, CPS assists the concrete mixing structures by predicting of chloride concentrations in concrete mixture, exposed to salt concentrations and service environment.