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Title Durability Characteristics and Environmental Assessment of Controlled tow-Strength Materials Using Bottom Ash
Authors 원종필 ; 이용수 ; 이존자
Page pp.223-230
ISSN 1229-5515
Keywords 내구성능; 저강도 고유동 재료; 플라이애시; 환경; bottom ash; bottom ash; controlled low-strength material(CLSM); durability; environmentally safe; fly ash
Abstract The main intent of this research was to determine the feasibility of utilizing recycling bottom ash as CLSM (controlled low-strength material). CLSM is a cementitious material, commonly a blend of portland cement, fly ash, sand, and water, that is usually flowable and self-leveling at the time of placement. The durability characteristics of mixtures made bottom ash we compared with those of fly ash CLSM in order to evaluate the effectiveness and suitability of bottom ash as material in CLSM. A comprehensive evaluation of the bottom ash in CLSM and mix proportions indicated that the bottom ash are capable of performing as CLSM mixtures. The durability characteristic of CLSM incorporating the bottom ash under various physical and chemical causes of deterioration were investigated. Test results indicated that CLSM using bottom ash has acceptable durability performance. CLSM incorporating with bottom ash were also found to be environmentally safe.