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Title Analysis on Creep of Concrete under Multiaxial Stresses Using Microplane Model
Authors 권승희 ; 김윤용 ; 김진근
Page pp.195-204
ISSN 1229-5515
Keywords 크리프; 다축압 상태; 회귀분석; 푸아송비; 미세평면 모델; creep; multiaxial stresses; Regression analysis; Poisson's ratio; microplane model
Abstract Poisson's ratio due to multiaxial creep of concrete reported by existing experimental works was controversial. Poisson's ratio calculated from measured strain is very sensitive to small experimental error. This sensitivity make it difficult to find out whether the Poisson's ratio varies with time or remain constant, and whether the Poisson's ratio has different value with stress states or not. A new approach method is needed to resolve the discrepancy and obtain reliable results. This paper presents analytical study on multiaxial creep test results. Microplane model as a new approach method is applied to optimally fitting the test data extracted from experimental studies on multiaxial creep of concrete. Double-power law is used as a model to present volumetric and deviatoric creep evolutions on a microplane. Six parameters representing the volumetric and deviatoric compliance functions are determined from regression analysis and the optimum fits accurately describe the test data. Poisson's ratio is calculated from the optimum fits and its value varies with time. Regression analysis is also performed assuming that Poisson's ratio remains constant with time. Four parameters are determined for this condition, and the error between the optimum fits and the test data is slightly larger than that for six parameter regression results. The constant Poisson's ratio with time is obtained from four parameter analysis results and the constant value can be used in practice without serious error.