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Title Study on Physical and Chemical Properties of CaO-Al2O3 System Melting Compound
Authors 이근재 ; 구자술 ; 김진만 ; 오상윤
Page pp.209-215
Keywords 급냉 제강슬래그 ; C12A7 ; β-C2S rapidly cooled steel making slag ; C12A7 ; β-C2S
Abstract This study is aimed to identify the method to use the CaO-Al2O3 system of rapidly cooled steel making slag (RCSS) as the environment-friendly inorganic accelerating agent by analyzing its physical and chemical properties. The fraction of rapidly cooled steel making slag is distinguished from its fibrous, and the contents of CaO and Fe2O3 are inversely proportional across different fractions. In addition, as the content of CaO decreased and the content of Fe2O3 increased, the loss ignition tended to become negative (-) and the density increased. The pore distribution by mercury intrusion porosimetry is very low as compared to the slowly cooled steel-making slag, which indicates that the internal defect and the microspore rate are remarkably lowered by the rapid cooling. To analyze the major minerals the rapidly cooled steel-making slag, XRD, f-CaO quantification and SEM-EDAX analysis have been performed. The results shows that f-CaO does not exist, and the components are mainly consisted of C12A7 and reactive β-C2S.