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Title Fundamental Properties and Hydration Characteristics of Mortar Based on MgO Added Industrial By-products
Authors 홍성걸 ; 김도영 ; 이동식
Page pp.565-572
Keywords MgO ; 세라믹 바인더 ; M-S-H gel ; 산업부산물 MgO ; ceramic binder ; M-S-H gel ; industrial by-products
Abstract Hydration and physical characteristics of chemically-bonded phosphate ceramic (CBPC) binder based on dead-burned Mg-O with six different blends are investigated for efficient repair construction material by retarding set phase with H3BO3. The test specimen of the blender with silica fume shows higher compressive strength after 75 days. The CBPC with silica fume results in higher modulus of rupture that others. The test specimens of CBPC eludes lower calcium ion than that of OPC (Ordinay Portland Cement). The X-ray diffraction pattern shows that hydration results in the formation of magnesium hydroxide, M-S-H gel and MgCO3 for the specimen with silica fumes. Combination with calcium for MgO is not desirable due to no formation of chemical bond between two components. Based on the experimental program, the mixture of MgO and silica fume shows efficient performance in strength and durability.