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Title A Comparative Study on the Environmental Impacts by Concrete Strength Using End-point LCA methodology
Authors 김성희 ; 태성호 ; 채창우
Page pp.465-474
ISSN 1229-5515
Keywords 전과정평가 ; 피해산정형 전과정평가 ; 전과정위해성분석 ; 환경영향 ; IMPACT2002+ ; end-point model ; life cycle risk assessment ; LCA ; environmental impacts ; IMPACT2002+
Abstract This is a comparative study that shows the overall environmental impacts from concrete structures when different compressive strength of concrete applied to structural systems having the same reference flow with different durability. A total of 24MPa, 40 MPa and 60 MPa cases is analyzed to define the characteristic using end-point perspective LCA methodology including the stages of production, construction, maintenance and disposal. As results, global warming, non-renewable energy and respiratory inorganics problems are the major issues for assessing environmental impacts of concrete products.