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Title A Round Robin Study of Solid Content Test and Applicability Estimation of FT-IR Analysis for Chemical Admixtures
Authors 김진철(Jin-Cheol Kim) ; 유혁진(Hyeok-Jin Yoo) ; 김홍삼(Hong-Sam Kim) ; 박고은(Ko-Eun Park)
Page pp.695-703
ISSN 1229-5515
Keywords 인수검사 시험법 ; 다자비교시험 ; 신뢰성 검증 ; 재현표준편차 ; 반복표준편차 acceptance test ; round robin test ; reliability verificatrion ; repeatability and reproducibility standard deviation
Abstract Acceptance criteria for chemical admixtures of cement concrete were investigated in domestic and international specifications. The reliability was verified for solid content test method of chemical admixture examined statistical analysis by round robin test. The applicability of FT-IR spectroscopy for qualitative measurement of multi-compound chemical admixtures verified. From solid content experimental results, outlier analysed using Cochran, Grubbs and Dickson's Q test. Repeatability and reproducibility standard deviation for solid content results showed 0.25 and 0.098% respectively according to KS A ISO 5725-2 procedure, it can be confirmed reliability of test methods. FT-IR spectrum of liquefied or oven-dried chemical admixtures condition showed big differences. It is needed that the FT-IR analysis is performed on dry material. However there's no difference with the applicability of FT-IR spectroscopy for multi-compound chemical admixtures. So the utility of method analysis could not identify.