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Title Mixture Proportioning Approach for Low-CO2 Lightweight Aggregate Concrete based on the Replacement Level of Natural Sand
Authors 정연백(Yeon-Back Jung) ; 양근혁(Keun-Hyeok Yang) ; 태성호(Sung-Ho Tae)
Page pp.427-434
ISSN 1229-5515
Keywords low-CO2 concrete ; lightweight aggregate concrete ; natural sand ; mixture proportioning
Abstract The purpose of this study is to propose a mixture proportioning approach based on the replacement level of natural sand for reducing CO2 emissions from artificial lightweight aggregate concrete(LWAC) production. To assess the effect of natural sand on the reduction of CO2 emissions and compressive strength of LWAC, a total of 379 specimens compiled from different sources were analyzed. Based on the non-linear regression analysis using the database and the previous mixture proportioning method proposed by Yang et al., simple equations were derived to determine the concrete mixture proportioning and the replacement level of natural sand for achieving the targeted performances(compressive strength, initial slump, air content, and CO2 reduction ratio) of concrete. Furthermore, the proposed equations are practically applicable to straightforward determination of the CO2 emissions from the provided mixture proportions of LWAC.