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Title Performance Evaluation of Recycled Aggregate Concrete Made of Recycled Aggregate Modified by Carbonation
Authors 하정수(Jung-Soo Ha) ; 신진학(Jin-Hak Shin) ; 정란(Lan Chung) ; 김한식(Han-Sic Kim)
Page pp.445-454
ISSN 1229-5515
Keywords recycled aggregate ; modified by carbonation ; absorption ; recycled aggregate concrete
Abstract With the increase of decrepit facilities, construction waste increased to a certain level and now the increase is more or less stabilized. Yet construction waste still constitutes the largest portion of the overall wastes. Also, it is inevitable to spend a huge amount of the national budget due to the aggravating shortage of aggregate caused by prohibition on collection of natural aggregates as well as due to the damage to the land and environment caused by development of the sources of aggregates. As a countermeasure to the situation, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport promulgated the quality standard for recycled aggregate to manage the usage of recycled aggregate according to its quality. But use of recycled aggregate for the purpose of high added value still remains nominal. Therefore, this research aims to study the applicability of recycled aggregate concrete as structural concrete by evaluating the quality improvement effects and the performance of the recycled aggregate concrete including recycled fine aggregate and recycled coarse aggregate that have undergone carbonation for 4 days and 14 days respectively in the condition of 60% RH, 20% CO2 and 20°C temperature, suggested for carbonation modifying from the advance research. The result shows carbonation modify contributed to quality improvement with 0.91% decrease in absorption rate for recycled fine aggregate and 0.7% decrease in absorption rate for recycled coarse aggregate. The physical properties and durability of the recycled aggregate made of aggregate modified by carbonation showed results similar to general concrete, which confirmed the possibility of applying the recycled aggregate made of recycled aggregate modified by carbonation to structural concrete.