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Title Economic Analysis with Development of Rapid Setting Alumina-based Binder for Road Repair
Authors 양희준(Hee-Jun Yang) ; 김민재(Min-Jae Yang) ; 홍성인(Sung-In Hong) ; 안기용(Ki-Yong Ann)
Page pp.3-10
ISSN 1229-5515
Keywords 보수재료 ; 칼슘 알루미나 시멘트 ; 고속도로 ; 기초물성 ; 경제성 분석 repair material ; calcium alumina cement ; highway ; material performance ; economy analysis
Abstract In case of Korea highways, about 60% of highways are paved by concrete and more than 50% of them were repaired due to reduction in required performance such as damage in pave or joint and delamination of cover pavement. However, repairing old material in such structure generally costs a lot of money and induces difficulty in maintenance. Thus, enhanced material for ensuring economic efficiency should be developed. The present study designed concrete mixtures with 3 levels of replacement using OPC (0, 10, 20%) in calcium aluminate cement and to evaluate material performance for load pavement, experimental works for setting time, compressive strength and flexural strength were carried out on those materials. As a result, 20% replacement for OPC was determined as an optimized material in terms of required physical performance and its unit price. Moreover, to determine cost in load pavement economy analysis using a program (CA4PRS) was conducted with widely used paving materials. Result showed that application for 20% replacement for OPC was the most efficient in economical aspect, arising from 4.052 and 1.577 billion won for total construction and user cost, respectively.