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Title Interaction Experiment on Chloride Ion Adsorption Behavior of C-S-H Phases
Authors 윤인석(In-Seok Yoon)
Page pp.65-76
ISSN 1229-5515
Keywords 물리적 흡착 ; 화학적 흡착 ; 염소 고정화 ; C-S-H ; 전기전하 작용 physical adsorption ; chemical adsorption ; chloride binding ; C-S-H phase ; electro-kinetic reaction
Abstract C-S-H phase is the most abundant reaction product, occupying about 50~60% of cement paste volume. The phase is also responsible for most of engineering properties of cement paste. This is not because it is intrinsically strong or stable, but because it forms a continuous layer that binds together the original cement particles into a cohesive whole. The binding ability of C-S-H phase arises from its nanometer-level structure. In terms of chloride penetration in concrete, C-S-H phase is known to adsorb chloride ions, however, its mechanism is very complicated and still not clear. The purpose of this study is to examine the interaction between chloride ions and C-S-H phase with various Ca/Si ratios and identify the adsorption mechanism. C-S-H phase can absorb chloride ions with 3 steps. In the C-S-H phase with low Ca/Si ratios, momentary physical adsorption could not be expected. Physical adsorption is strongly dependent on electro-kinetic interaction between surface area of C-S-H phase and chloride ions. For C-S-H phase with high Ca/Si ratio, electrical kinetic interaction was strongly activated and the amount of surface complexation increased. However, chemical adsorption could not be activated for C-S-H phase with high Ca/Si ratio. The reason can be explained in such a speculation that chloride ions cannot be penetrated and adsorbed chemically. Thus, the maximum chloride adsorption capacity was obtained from the C-S-H phase with a 1.50 Ca/Si ratio.