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Title Mix Proportioning of Concrete Containing Brick Chips as Coarse Aggregate for Cost Minimization
Authors 밀리언 타페세(Million Tafesse) ; 김락현(Rak-hyun Kim) ; 양범주(Beomjoo Yang) ; 김형기(Hyeong-Ki Kim)
Page pp.583-592
ISSN 1229-5515
Keywords 파쇄벽돌; 배합설계; 굵은골재; 가격 최소화; 회귀분석 brick chips; mix proportioning; coarse aggregate; cost minimization; regression analysis
Abstract Mix proportioning in terms of cost minimization was conducted for concrete containing brick chips as coarse aggregate. First, the physical and chemical characteristics of the brick chips were evaluated in detail, including computed tomography scanning, direct compressive strength measurement, and X-ray diffraction analysis, to further understand their effect on the properties of concrete. Second, the strength of brick chips concrete with various mix proportions was measured, and the proportioning of mixtures for material cost minimization based on the equivalent strength design was carried out using linear regression of the results following the local market price in the project area. By using the proposed proportioning method for brick chips concrete, it was possible to obtain a cost reduction of 5~24 % for mixtures with strengths of 25~33 MPa.